
Do you know how to vastly and cheaply improve your health?

First, get and read the following book: BOOK NAME: Green For Life by Victoria Boutenko, 2005 RAW FAMILY PUBLISHING www.rawfamily.com "GREEN FOR LIFE" NOTES ON THE BOOK.... The first chapter is fun: it describes how human DNA is 99.4% similar to THAT OF CHIMPANZEEs. As well, they have A-B-O blood types like humans. Then she looks at what chimpanzees eat and our diets couldn't be more different. Chimps eat about 50% fruit matter, 40% greens and blossoms; the rest is insects or pith, bark, seeds. Humans in America on the other hand consume 50% -60% starch (rice , potato, bread, pasta) 17 % veg and fruit, 3 % greens, 30% animal protein and oils. She proceeded to reserach more about how their diet might impact humans. OK what she found out about our diets.. We need the kind of diets the chimpanzees have. Being that we 1) do not eat enough vegs/fruits and 2) we do not chew our food adequately (all animals chew food to a creamy consistency before swallowing) she discovered through Dr. Ann Wigmore, the answer lies ingreen smoothies which deliver: ( You must use A VARIETY OF GREENS as listed below). * Rich source vitamins, minerals, enzymes in the form most highly deliverable to the body. * Fiber: helps detox body! in a major way.. and this fiber is alive, not dried and processed. * Alkalizes the body: more important than you think. Optimum health in the body requires alkaline blood, which in turn causes our stomach acids to increase (this is good.. actually necessary for healthy functioning). Also: cancer thrives in an acid (anaerobic) environment, and greens make the body alkaline, quickly! 6 weeks- 8 weeks! and an alkaline body is incapable of being a host to cancer.. chemically impossible! Check out all the conditions improved by having an alkaline body. (Read THE PH MIRACLE, by Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young, 2003). * Better source of protein than meat proteins! This is huge because of its impact on the environment and our resources. WHY? There are 9 essential amino acids the body cannot make itself; a variety of greens (as listed above) contain all 9 of these essential amino acids. Meat proteins have all these amino acids as well, except they are already made into combinations that suit the anumal )chicken, cow..) and when we eat the meat protein our body has to break down the chains of amino acids into the individual amino acids and then re-combine them the way a human body requires them. With the plant greens the body gets the individual amino acids it needs and can synthesize them exactly as your body needs. The chapters go on to show how even the human raw foodist does not gain an alkalized body. Following chapters describe the author's experiment with Roseburg OR residents whose only change to their diet consisted of the addition these smoothies to their diet. Another chapter includes feedback from every single participant. Every single one mentions improvements of some kind, regarding all sorts of ailments. FROM THE ROSEBURG STUDY PARTICIPANTS FEEDBACK SHEETS (they took random people with typical american eating habits and simply introduced 1 qt. green smoothie/day for each participant over a period of 6 weeks): They all report being less depressed and more calm and energized. They all said they lost weight. They said their bowel movements are large. Cravings gone. They eat less junk and seem to want to eat more raw. Asthma completely gone... Deeper sleep.. Sex life improved. Everyone! reported more energy, less sadness and depression. Some headaches / detox reaction in beginning using these smoothies. This, though uncomfortable, is a good sign! More.. VARIETY OF GREENS: arugula, asparagus, Bok Choy, broccoli, Carrot tops, Celery, chard, collard greens, edible flowers, endive, escarole, frisee, Kale (3 types), mizuna, mustard greens, radicchio Radish tops, romaine lettuce, green and red leaf lettuce (NO ICEBERG LETTUCE), spinach. or sprouts alfalfa, broccoli, clover, fenugreek, radish , sunflower. or herbs aloe vera, baby dill, basil, cilantro, fennel, mint parsley (2 types), peppermint leaves, spearmint leaves. SOME RECIPES FROM THE BOOK All of these recipes yield 1 quart of smoothie. Use a blender. GET THE BOOK FOR MORE RECIPES AND EXCELLENT INFO: Best smoothie recipe for people on a mainstream diet: Green Delicious.. GREEN DELICIOUS Blend well: 5 leaves of kale (Purple) 1/4 avocado 3 cloves garlic juice of 1/2 lime'2 cups water 1/2 tsp. salt 2 Roma Tomatoes Other recipes: SHAKTI'S GREEN THAI SMOOTHIE: Blend well: 2 1/2 cups spinach 1/2 bunch cilantro 1 clove garlic 1/2 red bell pepper 1/2 lime (juiced) 1 tsp stevia 3 roma tomatoes 2 cups water ORION'S LEMON JALAPENO FRESCA Blend well: 1/2 lemon (juiced) 4 Roma tomatoes 2/3 bunch kale 1/2 inch jalapeno pepper 1 small clove garlic 2 cups water MINTY THRILL: Blend well: 4 ripe pears 4-5 leaves kale 1/2 bunch mint 2 cups water RASPBERRY DREAMS: Blend well: 2 Bosc pears 1 handful raspbeerries 4-5 leaves kale 2 cups water KIWI ENJOYMENT Blend well: 4 very ripe kiwis 1 ripe banana 3 stalks celery 2 cups water STRAWBERRY FIELD: Blend well: 1 cup strawberries 2 bananas 1/2 bunch romaine 2 cups water MANGO PARSLEY Blend well: 2 large mangos (peeled) 1 bunch parsley 2 cups water (THICK SMOOTHIE) SUMMER DELIGHT Blend well: 6 peaches (without pit) 2 handfuls spinach leaves 2 cups water Smoothie on.......


OY Check out the "MY PLAN" part at bottom of blog.
Wow,I..myself! Wish I had done this!


Here's MORE:

> BEIJING—Known among schoolmates for his spirited antics and ability to make light of almost any situation, classroom jokester Wei Xiang, 11, was put to death by the Chinese government for drawing a mustache on an image of Education Minister Zhou Ji in one of his textbooks, sources reported Monday. 'An enemy of the state has been dealt with accordingly,' government spokesman Xu Qi said following Wei's execution by firing squad. 'Let this be a lesson to other children considering wising off or otherwise wasting valuable class time.' The fifth-grader previously served a six-month term in solitary confinement at Qincheng Prison after referring to the Tang Dynasty as 'the Stank Dynasty' during a history lesson in 2007. A MESSAGE FROM INES RE: INTERNATIONAL NEWS: Important: I feel in watching the way wars get started, I am watching out for manipulation - on a mass scale - of you and me - by news such as this. I am not saying the child's death is not horrific, IT IS HORRIBLE AND WHAT!?!?!?!?!?! We need to say so and not to endure such dreadful actions. BUT HOW DO WE DO IT? We must in the process be careful not to grow a coldness toward the chinese people in the process of decrying their government. Read ON: Recently, I read about 2 British agents who were captured in Iran after they caused massive bloodshed between 2 factions in the town. They were apprehended costumed in the garb of one of the two local factions: wearing birka and the head/face coverings of the locals, they shot and killed some of the "other" faction in that village. This caused people to believe that the local Shiites had just attacked some Suni people. Immediately people responded with FIGHT OR FLIGHT: by doing what looked like rightful retaliation, resulting in many Suni and Shiited deaths and news of warring factions traveled far and wide rapidly. BUT WAIT! What just happened was provoked by...2 BRITISH AGENTS! (Source: www.Zeitgeist.com) In light of this, and other stories told by American agents in the books, Confessions of an Economic Hitman and a book on JFK death written by a pilot/agent who worked Secret Operations (Secret Ops), these kinds of manipulations are old hat, done every day, by every major government, for reasons other than liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am beginning to watch what happens with a question: "What is my first reaction to this story? Who wants me to believe what, and why?" In the case of the China incident: A:I immediately think, those heartless chinese !@#$%^&*(*&^# government SOBs! Then I ask: "Who wants me to think this and why?" A: hmm... I don't exactly know. I DO KNOW THIS: it's a quick jump from decrying an act to mistrusting then hating a people. I also know we, the people of earth, are easily conquered, when divided. SO: I am going to keep this question in my mind, who wants me to think this and why? and I am going to read a variety of world news sources to gather info, to try to find out. (check out several news sources outside the US at top of page on right.... though they might all be owned by the people who want more war... YA NEVER KNOW ... at least the video footage shows me things I did not know.) IT is now our job to notice and not to cooperate with the manipulations. In the instance of all the global negativity coming up against China: I say 1) Yes, ofcourse we stand against the brutality and misinformation and totalitarianistic ways of their government that is hitting the chinese people. Of Course! 2) We do not confuse their government with their people, who are not our de facto enemies. We are all sisters and brothers sharing the delights of this beautiful earth, of family and friends, of love and fun. 3) We might want to be watching in future months for western governments, ours and others, to see if they begin to propose, after economic sanctions, a "reasonable" war with China.. by starting it with public opinion being swayed against the Chinese regime (Not to be confused with the Chinese people). 4) How many other groups.. the Suni.. Shiites.. Iraqi... Muslims... etc ..Have been made into monsters in our eyes for the sake of furthering the agenda of some unknown parties for unknown reasons (money/power is never far from the why of things)? 5) Time is now for us, all global citizens, Americans, others, to observe our thoughts about the Israel/Palestine/Iraq/Iran?Kuwait issues with far more clarity and honesty. I would say that real mistrust ought to be focused on those who want us to think ill of any group... white/black/hispanic/asian/muslim/jew/christian/fat people/thin people/people who do not sport a Louis Vuiton bag people Or D&G sunglasses/people who listen to rap/ people who donot listen to rap/heavy metal/...... TO Carry ON: If there are events in this world that are bloody and awful that are started and"ordered" by Secret Ops people.. from ANY country's government... then 1) there is something for that government has to gain from this that is hidden from me; 2) there are less actual bloody brutal things going on (without being incited by secret operations agents) than I thought; 3) if these incitings did not occur, there would be much less to bloodshed, less factionalizing (is that a word); 4) what is really fearsome is not all of us, but the ones ordering these secret ops... (Important to see clearly, but not to fear them); 5) then my world view has just become friendlier. We all have to see we are being manipulated to fear one another; 6) this light can really serve to disempower those who want us to believe there are people out there who want us dead (um.. other than the secret ops people that is, oh yeah and all those they incite to hate us.. uh .. gulp) (WAIT!: AGAIN... important to see clearly what is going on, but more important to meet all with the confident knowing that few if any really mean you or me any serious harm); Hmmm... Deep breath.. I realize: + We are all just people, with one dream: to live well and happily and to care for our friends and loved ones. + How easily we are manipulated and controlled out of remembering this; + What power there is in a mass force sharing a mass belief, be it disempowering or helpful; You.. I ... we alone can control what we think, our beliefs, and what we join, and what we refuse to join. We alone can share this "critical thinking" (HM? Who wants my power and to what end?) with others: to notice the chain of events and to see what is actually going on... let everyone decide for themselves what they believe. ... I am going to begin to notice. Time to see who the real enemy is and to act with the kindness that is simply native to all of us. If we are not in a fight or flight state, regardless of how subtle that fear may be, how do we feel about any of these issues? POWERFUL to realize.


me too